Artist Statement

My work is about taking an idea and turning it into something that will awe the audience. I desire to make pieces that will be so intersting and asthetically pleasing that it would be worthy to display for all to see. I've had individuals ask companies I've worked for if they could take home a conference poster I created to hang on their wall. This is my goal with all my pieces, print, or digital.

I'm a designer because I can't go a day without designing. Even if it's not physically, I'm still thinking in my head about what could be done differently or how someone created what they've done. When I was in the dorms at Colorado State University, I found myself playing with photoshop and creating pieces of art. From then on I dropped my computer science degree and never looked back.

I design to create really cool and beautiful pieces. Designs that draw attention and don't let it go. I want to create designs that remind people of me when they think of design.