Case Studies

Huntington Society of America – Denver – Pro Bono

Me and my team met with the HDSA in August and began work right away. Within no time we were tasked to create 3 motion pieces, a few print brochures, and a website update. The work began with a meeting to figure out what exactly our client needed. After a few days of research into our client and a quick sit down to hear any of their wishes we began our project.

Exactly a week later we were to film a special gala event where the HDSA was trying to raise money. We filmed the event in it's entirety in order to design a promotionl video for the next year's event.

We then scheduled a shoot of around 6 individuals effected by HD in order to create a documentary video that the HDSA could put on their website.

After the documentary was completed we moved onto the print tasks at hand. We were to design a new informational brochure that the HDSA would hand out to people. This brochure was to inform them about what HD was and what they were trying to do. The previous brochure that they were using was dull and boring and we found it hard to read. We took this brochure and transformed it into something that instills hope in the reader and into something visually stimulating. This we found makes the brochure easier to read.

The second brochure we were to create was a brochure that the HDSA would use the following year to promote another fund raising event. The theme for this event was gambling and a casino. We incorporated this imagry in the asthetic of the brochure giving it the imagry of a card table.

The last task we were given was to update the look of their website's events page. The previous layout was very boring and it didnt' have a good organization to it. This was reworked into something easy to look at that visually laid out what was happening when and where.

Throughout the entire process we would meet with individuals from the HDSA so that they knew what was going on and so that we knew what they liked and disliked.

Delivery of the final products was quite simple. We were to burn them all onto a dvd after everything was approved and ship it to the client. If they needed anything else then they were to let us know before we shipped anything so that everything would be in the best and most current condition.

Overall this was a very beneficial experience for all our team. We worked with a group of individuals at the HDSA who really cared about what they were doing and desperately wanted to get attention from potential donars. It really helped us see how helping people like this is very important and it gave us the opportunity to do what we love for somone else.